Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Add Symbols To Market Watch window

You can add multiple symbols to ‘Market Watch’ window. Market Watch window provides you with following information viz: symbol name, Open, High, Low, Close, Total Volume, Bid Price, Bid Quantity, Offer Quantity, NSE Calculated Weighted Average Price, Last Trading Price (LTP), Last Traded Value (LTV), Last Traded Date (LTD).The values related to symbols are automatically updated and displayed in the Market Watch window.

To add symbols in Market watch:

• Click right mouse button in the Market Watch window area.
• Pop-up menu strip as shown in the following image will be displayed on the screen.
• Select option ‘Add Symbol’ to add new symbol(s).

Image. 1

After you select this option, ‘Symbols’ window with MCX and NXE symbols list is displayed on the screen.
‘Symbols’ window contains 3 menus: MCX, NSE & Enter Symbol.

A] Choosing MCX Symbol

On Choosing MCX tab, it will show all MCX Symbols in the list. Here you can select one or more symbols.
After selecting required symbols click on ‘OK’ button. Selected symbols will appear in ‘Market Watch’. See Fig 3.

Image. 2

After adding multiple MCX Symbols to the ‘Market Watch’ window, all updated information for the selected symbols will be displayed as shown in Fig. 4

Image. 3

B] To select NSE symbol follow same procedure (as MCX) by choosing ‘NSE’ tab in the ‘Symbols’ window.

C] Enter Symbol:

You can select single MCX or NSE Symbol at a time using ‘Enter Symbol’ tab.
After entering symbol name, click ‘OK’ button. It will add selected symbol to the ‘Market Watch’ window. See Fig. 5

Image. 4